Can I really write about this since it happened a over a month ago. I guess it doesn't matter, its my blog. I went to the demolition derby with several of my family members. (Super awesome fun) We had a great time watching, then someone flipped over and we had almost all the energy sucked out of us. Then it came back, just in time for the power outage to end it all. Of course for those of you who know, my family is very stubborn when it comes to rain. We will stick it out no matter what, but why? I mean we never actually play when its all over. (Remember Deer Creek my family?)
We had a fun flip over but the guy didn't have a roll bar so it crushed his cab. It took forever to get him out. I do feel a bit guilty for cheering when he went over because he could have been hurt, but when I found out he was okay, that went away. Nonetheless my younger sis took a picture of us being guilt ridden...
So how did I find out how it all ended? I have recently communicated with some guy on Youtube who was a driver in the first heat. He said they split the money between the 3 heat winners since the power went out. I just felt like I couldn't really blog about this until I knew how it all ended.
- @zlachica Yeah I totally agree I guess it was better to end the show by power outage than by death or serious injury. I drove the pacman #23 suburban in the 1st heat.
- @zlachica Yeah my truck was in the same round (heat) as #31. I have a video of it, in my other videos. The winners do get money. They take the top 3 winners from each round and give them money. The top 4 from each round advanced to the championship round, but because of the power outage they just split the winnings 12 ways to all the drivers who would have been in the championship round.